Alexandra Amore is one of the longest-running cam girls on She started her webcam career in late 2007. It’s been more than 13 years now and she’s still a smash. Fans love watching her in live sex chat and the longer she’s been online, the better she’s become!

She’s had her share of reviews after all these years, but here are some of her most recent ones that fans have said about shows within the past year.
“Great show – Alexandra is amazingly beautiful with stunning blue eyes and a great body. The private show was amazing – she’s very engaging and doesn’t hold back! Definitely worth it!”
“I’m very turned on by Alex, she has such a sexual vibe in the way she interacts with you. I can’t wait to get back for more.”
“This beautiful lady can make me cummmmm multiple times in one private session. I definitely would love to get her in my bedroom for one on one contact lol.”

If she can gain these types of reviews after 13 years, then she’s definitely doing something right. After all, she has a mysterious persona about her that audience members can only discover once they go private with her. That is, at least, according to the women, herself…
“I will remain a mystery for those who don’t know me,” Alexandra said. “The best way to get to know at a personal level is to spend exclusive time with me in my room ,in my private chat room.”